To be an owner of a computer or laptop nor any device that can installed hard drives. We have think of having a disk partition to our device if our hard drive capacity is huge. The purpose of partitioning a Hard Drive is for new hard disk and ease of windows reinstallation and also a better organization adding a getting easier backup. The very good idea of having partition is simpler data recovery. If data has been accidentally deleted and you know where the data is stored, scanning partitions for data recovery is faster and easier than scanning the entire hard drive.
The definition of Disk partitioning is one of the disk formatting steps. It is the process of dividing a disk into one or more parts called partitions. If a partition is created, the disk stores the space and file size of the partition in the partition table, usually located on the first partition of the disk.
A new case was received from our regular customer saying the hard drives are working but the partitions where is the data saved are not functioning. We have come to diagnosis his hard drive and for the initial checking are like this :

HDD SCAN Health Check
HDDScan is a software for hard disk diagnostics (also supports RAID array servers, flash USB and SSD drives). This service can check for hardware errors (bad blocks and malfunctions), view S.M.A.R.T products and check AAM, APM, etc. It can change some hard drive parameters.
From the results of checking we have found the solutions. The Hard drive HDD are being tired and weak already to use and for the reasons of can not be operated. Even you will use a docking station device to have move the datas, still will not work. If the datas from partitions are valuable, you must end up of searching for Data Recovery center to have present this case to the specialist. Try to avoid more damages or mistakes if you encounter these issues from your hard drives. Because the lesser damage from hard drives will be the lesser amount of money to be pay.
Our customer case data recovery are done and successful. We have immediately save the datas into flash drive.